ian winston, medical

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  • (Untitled)

    isabel79 Mar 26, 2004 07:31

    Thursday, March 25, 2004 \ Time: 5:38 P.M. \ Mood: sore. \ Song: Belle. \ Book: School books...Was working on Antidepressants. I wasn't sure which one was Paxil. But then I don't really need to know... Now... Like they wouldn't put Paxil on the test, but Paroxitine. A lot of kids here have doctors for parents, worked for doctors, etc. ( Read more... )

    ian winston

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  • Stan's the Man!

    isabel79 Mar 24, 2004 10:54

    Tuesday, March 23, 2004 \ Time: 3:06 P.M. \ Mood: okay. \ Song: Harlem Shuffle. \ Book: My jibberish.So today I had Stan. That's freaky. First of all it's a giant rubber man. That blinks... I thought the hall of presidents was scary! Lol. Then they had Szarek do his voice. Dr. Ian Winston was the main prof, asking us Qs, etc, etc. Wasn't ( Read more... )

    ian winston

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  • Whist playing with Stan...

    isabel79 Mar 23, 2004 11:05

    Monday, March 22, 2004 \ Time: 9:35 P.M. \ Mood: groggy. \ Song: Beauty and The Beast \ Book: I haven't cracked a book open in days... God... What the hell!?! I'm so freaking tired I've taken to sleeping after class, waking up late, yet trying to sleep early for the next day / waking up late for the next. Ugh... Theoretically I could be into ( Read more... )

    ian winston

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  • dfkjhdlf

    isabel79 Mar 20, 2004 10:33

    Friday, March 19, 2004 \ Time: 8:28 P.M. \ Mood: relaxed. \ Song: A Little Fall of Rain. \ Book: I'm freaking lazy...What is it? I get IMd from a Shag fan. Then in 2 days, 2 emails? What did they tell their friends? And tell their friends? People are just like I love the movie. I'm gonna make my own Shag soundtrack. Either that they're ( Read more... )

    classmates, ian winston

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  • Kofagishlogin

    isabel79 Mar 04, 2004 12:33

  • Was on the bus and Danielle asked me for gum... So I'm the quietest chick, who always has earphones on and chews gum. Gum is like coffee... It keeps me awake. I got to stop blowing bubbles. I wonder whatelse I'm reputed for.
  • I actually slept early once. No lying in bed forever. I think I slept shortly after 11. Got up relativly early. ( Read more... )

    classmates, ian winston

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